
ALUMINIUM COPY ROUTER MACHINE - ALUMINIUM COPY ROUTER MACHINE - Aluminium profile machining center, metalworking machines, woodworking machines, upvc machines

Aluminium copy router machine

Aluminium copy router machine for opening holes and canals into the aluminium profiles. The one spindle drill can mill - open all types of holes and canals with special templates for all work. The Aluminium profile copy router machines from EM Evomatec Machine are designed and manufactured for all type of small and large aluminium profiles. Aluminium window manufacturing and handle accessory of window opening holes on the aluminium profiles with hard drills are no problem for EM Evomatec copy routers. A cooling unit for the drills of the copy router machine will allows you to use the drills more longer time, before the drills go unsharp. By using or special copy router machines it is possible to change the R.P.M of the drill from 1 until to 24000 rounds per minute. Our machines guarantee a orthogonal working on the aluminium profiles for best drilling and milling results.
Electricity monitoring units will protect the copy router machine against low and high voltage frequenzes. Diverse security options are also available to protect the operator and the machine.